The European consortium gathered to carry out this project is composed by seven universities, VET providers, business associations and professional women associations from Spain, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Romania and Malta.
Inova Consultancy
Inova Consultancy is a SME which specialises in providing consultancy services and project work in the field of gender, non-traditional fields and entrepreneurship. Inova has specialist experience in running personal development/soft skills development workshops, training courses and mentoring programmes, with a particular focus on a gender dimension. In particular projects, focus on supporting women in non-traditional fields, women starting up or developing their business and women in leadership. Inova has also has extensive networks of individuals and organizations committed to increasing the numbers of women in under-represented courses and careers.
Women Directors in Malta
Women Directors in Malta was set up in 2015 to provide visibility of capable and motivated women and to stimulate diversity on boards. WDM was set up to help women make the right connections and reach board level within their own organisation or to take on a non-executive board role and other board level roles in other sectors. The non-profit organisation works to cultivate a new understanding and acceptance of the strong impact women deliver at top levels. Since its inception, the organisation has focused on providing female talents to boards. It has encouraged women candidates to put their name forward to advertised board positions as they have been made available.
Founded in 2009, AMUEBLA is a comprised of group of stakeholders working together to address needs in the furniture and habitat sector, representing the interests of more than 80 companies and over 2,500 employees. It is a non-profit association, characterized as a combination of companies, research and training centers involved in facilitating innovative practices and improving the competitiveness of its partner's companies, as well as defending its general business interests and promoting its projection and international visibility. AMUEBLA wants to be able to lead and support any initiative that promotes the growth of the furniture industry and the defense of equal opportunities without gender discrimination.
Romanian Textile Concept
Romanian Textile Concept is a professional association established in 2011 through the unconditional agreement between ten founding companies, manufacturing companies with a long tradition in the garments, knitwear, footwear and leather goods industry from the Bucharest-Ilfov area, who have found this path of formalizing the collaboration relationships that had already existed between them. Currently the association has 36 members, and in January 2016 the Romanian Textile Concept Cluster has received from ESCA the Silver Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative. The aim of the cluster is to create an environment in which member firms are able to sustain and develop their activity, implicitly supporting a sustainable development of the textile industry.
Consorcio Campus Iberus
Campus Iberus (Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley) is a strategic alliance involving four public universities of the Ebro Valley’s four autonomous regions in Spain: University of Zaragoza (Aragon), Public University of Navarra (Navarra), University of La Rioja (La Rioja) and the University of Lleida (Catalunya). Campus Iberus’s mission relies in the commitment to educate and train people as well as to produce knowledge and research and innovation. In this regard, Campus Iberus fosters a life-long learning policy and strongly encourages social values and responsibility through gender equality principles; promotion of healthy lifestyles; culture and diversity; sustainable development programmes; volunteering, sport and social cooperation activities,…
Jaunimo Karjeros Centras
Jaunimo Karjeros Centras is an NGO with more than 10 years’ experience supporting youth and adults through non-formal education programmes and guidance services. It aims to meet public needs through educational, scientific, cultural, social and legal initiatives. JKC’s specific fields of expertise are career education and guidance, effective communication and life skills, global citizenship, ICT in education, human rights education. As the accredited in-service teacher training institution it constantly implements projects for development of teaching/learning tools and resources and delivering in-service trainings, which could contribute to the successful guidance and skills development in educational system.
CENFIM – Home & contract furnishings cluster has the mission to contribute to improve the competitiveness of furniture producers and companies along all interiors value chain. It was created by furniture sector companies associations and public entities as a non-profit organization. It has 122 associated companies from the interior furnishings sector: furniture, carpentry, flooring, bathrooms, lighting and home textiles. CENFIM contributes to the member companies competitiveness improving their innovation and commercialisation capacities through promoting collaborative projects and providing training. The innovation activities of CENFIM are focused on three areas: digitization, circular economy and product design. In order to support member companies commercialization, CENFIM has created the greatest hotel interior marketplace, InteriHOTEL (, with annual editions in Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife and Málaga, the showrooms WEcontract in Barcelona and Madrid and the online platform
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‘Women in Power’ has been funded with support from the European Commission (2017-1-ES01-KA202-038258). The views expressed in this website are those of the author only, the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.